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Client Advisory: Breaking News: State launches business-backed fund for COVID-19 relief efforts

Financial Support for Small Businesses Amid COVID-19 Crisis

As the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic persists, efforts to support small businesses have intensified at local, state, and federal levels, offering crucial financial assistance during this challenging time.

Local and State Initiatives:
Both the City of Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have launched new programs designed specifically to aid businesses affected by the pandemic. These initiatives aim to provide grants and loans that can help sustain operations, retain employees, and navigate the economic uncertainties caused by COVID-19. These programs represent a collaborative effort to bolster the local economy and provide vital lifelines to businesses facing financial hardship.

Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending Program (MSLP):
Recently, the Federal Reserve took decisive action by initiating the Main Street Lending Program (MSLP). This program is designed to enhance liquidity for small and medium-sized businesses that have been adversely affected by the pandemic. The MSLP offers new loan options to eligible businesses, providing them with much-needed access to credit to support their ongoing operations, maintain payroll, and address other financial obligations.

Our Latest Alert:
In response to these critical developments, we have released a comprehensive alert detailing the specifics of these new programs and initiatives. Our alert provides essential information on eligibility criteria, application processes, and key deadlines for businesses interested in accessing financial support through these channels. Whether you are seeking grants and loans from local and state programs or considering options under the Main Street Lending Program, our advisory offers insights to help you navigate these resources effectively.

How We Can Assist:
For detailed guidance on how to apply for grants and loans from the City of Boston or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, please refer to our alert for step-by-step instructions and contact information. Additionally, if you are exploring financing options through the Main Street Lending Program, we are available to provide strategic advice and support to facilitate your application process.

Stay Informed:
We understand the importance of staying informed and proactive during these unprecedented times. For more information and to access our latest alert on these financial assistance programs, please visit our website or contact our team directly. We are committed to supporting small businesses and helping you navigate the complexities of securing the financial resources needed to weather the current economic challenges.