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Client Advisory: CA Noncompete

California Employers Alert: Noncompete Agreements Now Illegal

Attention to all employers with employees or former employees in California: Recent legislation has rendered noncompete agreements unlawful within the state. Effective immediately, any existing noncompete provisions in onboarding materials or employment contracts are void and unenforceable under California law. This significant change brings with it potential fines, penalties, and the risk of employee litigation for noncompliance.

The new law, designed to enhance employee mobility and job market competition, prohibits employers from imposing noncompete agreements on their California workforce. Employers are now obligated to inform all existing California employees in writing about the invalidity of any noncompete provisions. This notification must be provided promptly to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

To comply with the law, employers must clearly communicate to affected employees that:

  1. Noncompete Provisions Are Void: Inform employees that any existing noncompete agreements, whether in employment contracts or onboarding materials, are no longer enforceable under California law.
  2. Implications of the Law: Explain the reasons behind the legislative change and its implications for employees’ career mobility and freedom to seek new opportunities within their field.
  3. Immediate Action Required: Emphasize the urgency of the situation and the necessity for employees to understand their rights under the new legislation.

Employers must ensure that the notification is provided to all current California employees promptly and effectively. The communication should be clear, concise, and delivered through a method that ensures employees acknowledge receipt, such as email with read receipts or through a secure online platform with confirmation of access.

Failure to comply with these new requirements may result in legal consequences, including penalties and potential lawsuits from affected employees. Therefore, it is crucial for employers to act swiftly to update their internal policies, employment contracts, and onboarding materials to reflect the current legal landscape in California.

For further guidance on navigating these changes and ensuring compliance with the new legislation, please consult our detailed client alert, which provides comprehensive insights into the scope of the law and specific requirements for notifying California employees. Stay informed and proactive to protect your business and uphold legal standards in employment practices.

For more information and expert advice, please refer to our comprehensive client alert on this matter.