On February 21, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or the “Board”) ruled that the proffer of broad confidentiality and non- disparagement provisions in severance agreements violates the National …
Superior Court Business Litigation Session published an opinion this afternoon in the matter of Governo Law Firm LLC v. CMBG3 LLC that is interesting in several respects.
some workers are classified as “independent contractors” and are not entitled to all of the statutory protections and requirements applicable to employees.
We find that clients are often aware of how to use patents, trademarks and copyrights to protect their intellectual property. However, they seem less confident about how to utilize trade …
Peter Lee, a Board Member at Attivio, explains how they have pioneered a way to bring contextual relevance to any kind of information search, which has allowed Attivio to be …
The short answer is yes. The 2018 change in Massachusetts’ noncompetition laws leveled the playing field for employees, but employers should not abandon this important tool for protecting trade secrets …
as at a party a few years back and struck up a conversation with the general counsel of a medium-sized privately held company. The discussion eventually turned to my practice: …
Employers are not prevented from requiring all employees physically entering the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19. It is important to note, that the COVID-19 vaccinations are currently being manufactured …